UNEXMIN joins PIPEBOTS and ROBOMINERS for a Joint Workshop
On the 17th of October 2019, the UNEXMIN, PIPEBOTS and ROBOMINERS projects organised a joint robotics workshop to discuss common challenges, find similarities and deliver plans for future collaboration.
First the three projects were present by their respective coordinators, which allowed all the participants to get a better understanding on the scope and worklines of each consortia. To this, a series of talks and discussions were held and it was during these that common challenges were found and ways for collaboration agreed upon. The 4 discussion themes focussed on 1) Robotics, 2) Sensing, 3) SLAM/Navigation and 4) Communications.
Before the end of the event Intellectual Property Rights issues, joint publications and even possible joint projects were discussed.
The three projects, including UNEXMIN (that despite ending soon wants to continue development), decided to meet again for more joint workshops following the success of this first attempt.