ECMR — 2017 European Conference on Mobile Robots

Palaiseau , France

"ECMR is an internationally open biennial European forum, allowing researchers to learn about and discuss the latest accomplishments and innovations in mobile robotics and mobile humanrobot systems. ECMR 2017 is the 8th edition of the conference, and will be held in Paris, France. Most aspects of research on mobile robots and machine intelligence are relevant […]

I3S 2017 — 5th International Symposium on Sensor Science

Barcelona , Spain

"From robots and self-driving cars to on-site medical diagnostics, the exciting advances in today’s technology require sensors. Biologists, engineers, physicists and chemists are working to provide these sensors. This conference, supported by the journal Sensors, brings together scientists from different areas to discuss important recent developments in sensor technology. The conference format is designed to […]

Real Time Mining Conference

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

"The first International Raw Materials Extraction Innovation Conference is bringing together individuals and companies working on EU-sponsored projects to exchange knowledge and rise synergies in resource extraction innovation. Topics: Resource Modelling and Value of Information; Automated Material Characterization; Positioning and Material Tracking; Process Optimization; Data Management. The Real Time Mining™ International Raw Materials Extraction Innovation […]