Global Robot Expo 2017

Madrid, Spain

"The Robotics Industry is expanding with an annual growth of 17%. Being the reference in Europe in robotics, the Global Robot Expo is the definitive trade show to measure the current state of robotics in every single field. From educational robotics, to industrial, consumer, professional service robotics, healthcare, AI, software, IoT, smart cities, related technologies […]

Age of Drones Expo

"14-15 October 2016 in Hamburg, Germany will host the first Specialized Exhibition and Conference Age of Drones. The show will gather worldwide companies from the entire Drones supply chain with customers and end-users in Schuppen 52 Hamburg Expo Center. The emergence of pilotless aircraft in Filming & Photography provides cutting-edge solutions for realization of creative […]

European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly

Austria Center Vienna Vienna, Austria

"The EGU General Assembly will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences.  The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. The […]

Mines and Technology 2017 Helsinki

Helsinki , Finland

"Mines and Technology 2017 will focus on optimising mining efficiency with cutting-edge technologies. Based on the practical case studies from the leading mining companies in the world and presentations from innovative solution providers, Mines and Technology will address only the most critical topics and concerns of the target market and which technologies are best placed […]

NovCare 2017 — Novel Methods for Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring: From Theory to Practice

"The 2017 Novel Methods for Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring: From Theory to Practice (NovCare 2017) conference, the 5th edition of this biennial conference series, will showcase new developments and highlight examples of field applications of relevant approaches such as geophysics, direct-push technology, hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical field methods, joint inversion of multi-method data, in-situ measurements, wireless […]