UNEXMIN present in MIN-GUIDE policy laboratory 2
During 21st and 22nd of March, the UNEXMIN project was represented in the MIN-GUIDE Policy Laboratory 2 (Innovations and supporting policies for minerals exploration and extraction), in Leoben, Austria.
This workshop, integrated in the MIN-GUIDE project, focused on new innovative technologies and supporting policies used, or to be used, in the minerals exploration and extraction activities – UNEXMIN technology was one of these new technologies to be discussed. Norbert Zazjon, UNEXMIN project coordinator, delivered two talks about the UNEXMIN project to a technological audience, a group of stakeholders included in UNEXMIN.

Norbert Zajzon at MIN-GUIDE policy laboratory 2

Norbert Zajzon presenting the UNEXMIN project
First, in the Policy Laboratory entitled “Listening, exchanging, and learning”, where inserted in the Policy Lab 3: Deep sea mining, Norbert exposed Underwater exploration and mining, using UNEXMIN and its developing technology as a discussing point. Then, UNEXMIN was presented again, this time on the Policy Laboratory (Exploring transferability) on the same Underwater exploration and mining topic. These policy labs, each divided into three sub laboratories were based on “innovation in exploration and extraction, enabling environments and supporting policies”.

Policy Lab 3: Deep Sea Mining with the presence of Norbert Zajzon and UNEXMIN (Credits: MIN-GUIDE)
The UNEXMIN project is glad to be developing a new technology that will change the minerals exploration paradigm, by developing a multi-robotic solution that can autonomously explore and map flooded mines, being able to use its technology in environments that are difficult to access today. This will allow the UNEXMIN technology to obtain geological (and other) information that cannot be obtained in any other way.
Deep sea mining is right ahead in the mining scheme and UNEXMIN will be part of that future!